A summer day with the girls
by the sea
Tarragona 2021

Feeling happy and free
Seems like perfection
in the imperfect world
"We never could design a building as beautiful as the trees."
Pietro Belluschi
Sundays were for romanticising life
The beginning of one-sided love
with Barcelona
Barcelona 2021
Autumn days outside of Krakow
Two years together in Liverpool
Ten days together in Madrid
Bye Liverpool
Quarantine days
working on graduation project
getting some sun on the balcony
becoming more aware of my thoughts
journaling meditating
Liverpool 2020
Last days In Mallorca
3 months in this little town
4 months on the island
Feeling sad in such a beautiful place
Is it right?
Mallorca 2019
Ricardo Bofill
In Costa Brava for 'Traveling Light Festival'
Torella de Montgri 2019
3 months in Greece
Saying goodbye has never
been more difficult
Following the sun
Making memories
Dancing everyday with these two
Kos Island 2018
Crete -> Kos
Moving to Greece for summer
With one carry-on bag
and not much planned
One week in a wooden house
in the middle of nowhere
Just me and many cockroaches
Crete 2019
Visiting my hometown
Krakow 2018
Liverpool 2018
Little trip to get some sun
Milan 2017
Starting Architecture
Liverpool 2017
Two summers
working, enjoying moments
The beginning of searching my place in the world
Finding a new personality
when speaking a second language
Jersey 2017
4 days in Budapest
getting lost
First trip on film
First solo trip abroad
return ticket 5€ + couchsurfing
Budapest 2017